Papers 2023
Waśniewski A., Hościło A., Aune-Lundberg L., 2023. The impact of selection of reference samples and DEM on the accuracy of land cover classification based on Sentinel-2 data. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 32, 101035,
Kulesza K., 2023. Influence of Air Mass Advection on the Amount of Global Solar Radiation Reaching the Earth’s Surface in Poland, Based on the Analysis of Backward Trajectories (1986–2015). Meteorology 2023, Vol. 2 (1), pp. 37-51,
Kulesza, K. & Hościło, A. 2023. Influence of climatic conditions on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index variability in forest in Poland (2002–2021). Meteorological Applications, 30, e2156.
Kulesza, K., Martinez, A. & Taylor, N. 2023. Assessment of Typical Meteorological Year Data in Photovoltaic Geographical Information System 5.2, Based on Reanalysis and Ground Station Data from 147 European Weather Stations. Atmosphere, 14(12), 1803.
Cysek-Pawlak, M., Misiak, J., Hościło, A., Strand, G.-H., & Eiter, S. 2023. Spatial planning needs towards Copernicus Land Monitoring Services: Case studies from Poland and Norway. European Spatial Research and Policy, 30(2), 235–255.
Scientific conferences
Waśniewski A., Hościło A., Aune-Lundberg L., Can we Improve the Accuracy of the Land Cover Classification by Pre-selection of the Reference Samples and Applying DEM in the Mountain Area in Norway? 42th EARSeL Symposium 2023, 3-6.07.2023, Bucharest, Romania
Kulesza K., Hościło A., Influence of climatic variables of forest's condition in Poland in the period 2002-2021, EGU23 General Assembly, 24-28.04.2023, Vienna, Austria. (poster).
Rynkiewicz A., Hościło A., Chmielewska M., Lewandowska A., Aune-Lundberg L., Nilsen A.B., Detection of land cover changes based on the Sentinel-2 multitemporal data on the GEE platform, EGU23 General Assembly, 24-28.04.2023, Vienna, Austria. (poster).
Hościło A., Ewolucja serwisów Copernicus i rola Cepernicus User Forum, Konferencja "Z kosmosu widać więcej, czyli rewolucja w monitorowaniu Ziemi - 25 lat Programu Copernicus", 15.06.2023, Warsaw
Hościło A., Serwis obszarów lądowych - Copernicus Land Monitoring Service, Telekonferencja dotycząca serwisów programu Copernicus, 26.06.2023, online
Hościło A., Bojanowski J., Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem + WEkEO, Telekonferencja dotycząca serwisów programu Copernicus, 26.06.2023, online