Publikacje 2016


  • Baranowski M., Gotlib D., Olszewski R., 2016, Properties of cartographic modelling under contemporary definitions of a map, Polish Cartographical Review, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 91-100. doi:10.1515/pcr-2016-0011 ARTYKUŁ
  • Dabrowska - Zielinska K., Golinski P., Jørgensen M., Mølmann J., Taff G., Twardy S., Budzynska M., Czerwinski M., Kopacz M., Kurnicki R., Kowalik W., Tomaszewska M., Malinska A., Golinska B., Gatkowska M., 2016, Importance of grassland monitoring in European perspective of climate change-FINEGRASS project, Geoinformation Issues, Vol. 8, No. 1(8), pp. 55-71. ARTYKUŁ
  • Dabrowska - Zielinska K., Bartold M., Gurdak R., 2016, POLWET – System for new space-based products for wetlands under RAMSAR Convention, Geoinformation Issues, Vol. 8, No. 1(8), pp. 25-35. ARTYKUŁ
  • Dabrowska - Zielinska K., Budzynska M., Tomaszewska M., Malinska A., Gatkowska M., Bartold M., Malek I., 2016, Assessment of Carbon Flux and Soil Moisture in Wetlands Applying Sentinel-1 Data, Remote Sensing 2016 8(9) 756; doi:10.3390/rs8090756. ARTYKUŁ
  • Dabrowska - Zielinska K., Golinski P., Jørgensen M., Mølmann J., Taff G., Twardy S., Tomaszewska M., Golinska B., Budzynska M., Gatkowska M., Kopacz M., 2016, Satellite data for monitoring of European grasslands – new tool for adaptation to climate change, Proceedings of EGF 2016 The multiple roles of grassland in the European bioeconomy, Grassland Science in Europe , Vol. 21, pp. 817-820. ARTYKUŁ - POSTER
  • Hościło A., Mirończuk A., 2016, Europejski Program Obserwacji Ziemi Copernicus źródłem danych do ocen oddziaływania na środowisko. Rozdział w monografii: GIS i dane przestrzenne w ocenach oddziaływania na środowisko - podręcznik dobrych praktyk, M. Nowak - red., Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM 2016, ISBN 978-83-232-3128-8.
  • Hościło A., Mirończuk A., Lewandowska A., 2016, Określenie rzeczywistej powierzchni lasów w Polsce na podstawie dostępnych danych przestrzennych, Sylwan 160 (8): 627:634. ARTYKUŁ
  • Hościło A., Ziółkowski D., 2016, Las z satelity Sentinel, Głos Lasu, Nr 708 (549), str. 35-37. ARTYKUŁ
  • Kraszewski B., Karwel A.K., Kurczynski Z., Ziolkowski D., 2016, Integration of Digital Surface Models from Photogrammetric and Airborne Laser Scanning Data for the Processing of Radar Imagery, 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, 28 June - 6 July 2016, Albena. Book 2, Vol. 2, pp. 917-924. ARTYKUŁ
  • Musial J., Dabrowska - Zielinska K., Kiryla W., Oleszczuk R., Gnatowski T., Jaszczynski J., 2016, Derivation and validation of the high resolution satellite soil moisture products: a case study of the Biebrza Sentinel-1 validation sites, Geoinformation Issues, Vol. 8, No. 1(8), pp. 37-53. ARTYKUŁ
  • Page S.E., Hoscilo A., 2016, Fire in Borneo Peatlands, Chapter in The Wetland Book, Structure and Function, Management and Methods, pp. 1-7. Springer Netherlands; doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6172-8_11-2. ARTYKUŁ

Konferencje naukowe

  • Balzter H., Rodriguez - Veiga P., Tansey K., Quegan S., Carreiras J., Persson H., Fransson J., Hoscilo A., Ziolkowski D., Dabrowska - Zielinska K., Sterenczak K., Englhart S., Stangel M., Siegert F., Avitabile V., Mermoz S., Bouvet A., Le Toan Th., Carvalhais N., Soja M., Eriksson L., Santoro M., Pathe C., Schmullius C., 2016, GLOBBIOMASS Regional Case Studies - Preparing the Ground for Global Forest Biomass Mapping, Living Planet Symposium, 9-13 May 2016, Prague. PREZENTACJA
  • Bartold M., Bochenek Z., Ziolkowski D., Application of low-resolution satellite images for studying impact of changeable climatic conditions on forest development, POLAR conference: Impact of climate change and pollution on vegetation distribution and condition in the temperate, boreal, alpine and polar zones, 26-27 October 2016, Warsaw. ABSTRAKT - PREZENTACJA
  • Bartold M., Dąbrowska - Zielińska K., Gurdak R., 2016, POLWET - teledetekcyjny system monitorowania obszarów bagiennych objętych Konwencją Ramsarską w Polsce, V Forum BioGIS - System Informacji Przestrzennej w badaniach różnorodności biologicznej, 19-20 października 2016, Poznań. PREZENTACJA
  • Bochenek Z., Ziolkowski D., Bartold M., Orlowska K., Zagajewski B., 2016, Application of high-resolution satellite data for monitoring forest areas in changeable climatic conditions, Proceedings of the 7th ForestSAT 2016 Symposium, 14 - 18 November 2016, Santiago, Chile. POSTER
  • Bochenek Z., Ziolkowski D., Bartold M., Orlowska K., Zagajewski B., Use of high-resolution optical satellite images for analyzing forest biodiversity and vulnerability to variable climatic conditions, POLAR conference: Impact of climate change and pollution on vegetation distribution and condition in the temperate, boreal, alpine and polar zones, 26-27 October 2016, Warsaw. ABSTRAKT - PREZENTACJA
  • Bochenek Z., Ziolkowski D., Bartold M., Orlowska K., Zagajewski B., 2016, Monitoring of forest biodiversity and climatic impact on forest environment with the use of high-resolution satellite images, 3rd EARSeL Workshop SIG on Forestry, 15-16 September, Krakow. POSTER
  • Bochenek Z., Ziolkowski D., Bartold M., Zagajewski B., Klos A., 2016, Use of SPOT 5 Take 5 Data Supported with Landsat 8 Imagery for Monitoring Forest Areas in a Temperate Zone as a Pre-cursor of Sentinel-2 Applications, Living Planet Symposium, 9-13 May 2016, Prague. POSTER
  • Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Golinski P., Jørgense M., Taff G., Mølmann J., Twardy St., Budzynska M., Golinska B., Tomaszewska M., Kowalik W., Czerwinski M., Kopacz M., Climatic changes on grassland growth, its water conditions and biomass – FINEGRASS project, POLAR conference: Impact of climate change and pollution on vegetation distribution and condition in the temperate, boreal, alpine and polar zones, 26-27 October 2016, Warsaw. ABSTRAKT - PREZENTACJA
  • Dabrowska - Zielinska K., Kowalik W., Bartold M., Tomaszewska M., Budzynska M., Mironczuk A., 2016, Surface Temperature as the climate change indicator – Application for the wetlands Ecosystem, Glob Temperature User Consult Meeting #4, 7-8 June 2016, Lisbon. POSTER
  • Dabrowska - Zielinska K., Tomaszewska M., Musial J.P., Budzynska M., Bartold M., 2016, SPOT Take5 Opportunities for Different Areas Covered by Vegetation in Poland, Living Planet Symposium, 9-13 May 2016, Prague. PREZENTACJA
  • Dabrowska - Zielinska K., Niro F., Gatkowska M., Bochenek Z., Bartold M., 2016, Land Products Validation and Characterisation in support to Proba-V, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 missions, Living Planet Symposium, 9-13 May 2016, Prague. POSTER
  • Dabrowska - Zielinska K., Budzynska M., Tomaszewska M., Malinska A., Musial J., Bartold M., Gatkowska M., Malek I., Paradowski K., Mironczuk A., 2016, Application of Sentinel-1 Data Data for Biomass and Soil Moisture for Different Areas of Vegetation, Living Planet Symposium, 9-13 May 2016, Prague. POSTER
  • Gatkowska M., Marzialetti P., Laneve G., New approach to combined in-situ and satellite based observations of environment – Silex Clouds platform demonstration, POLAR conference: Impact of climate change and pollution on vegetation distribution and condition in the temperate, boreal, alpine and polar zones, 26-27 October 2016, Warsaw. ABSTRAKT - PREZENTACJA
  • Gatkowska M., Kiryla W., Paradowski K., Dabrowska - Zielinska K., 2016, SPOT 5 in Support of Agricultural and Energy Sector Management – Preparation for Sentinel 2, Living Planet Symposium, 9-13 May 2016, Prague. POSTER
  • Golinski P., Czerwinski M., Jørgensen M., Mølmann J., Golinska B., Taff G., Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Budzynska M., Impact of changing climate on grassland productivity – case study in two contrasting geographical locations, POLAR conference: Impact of climate change and pollution on vegetation distribution and condition in the temperate, boreal, alpine and polar zones, 26-27 October 2016, Warsaw. ABSTRAKT - PREZENTACJA
  • Hoscilo A., Ziolkowski D., Lewandowska A., Sterenczak K., Bochenek Z., Bartold M., 2016, Synergistic use of SAR and optical datasets for forest biomass retrieval and characterization of forests in temperate zone - a national case study Poland., Proceedings of the 7th ForestSAT 2016 Symposium, 14 - 18 November 2016, Santiago, Chile. ABSTRAKT - POSTER
  • Hościło A., Ziółkowski D., Lewandowska A., Stereńczak K., 2016, Szacowanie biomasy leśnej w skali kraju na podstawie synergii danych radarowych i optycznych, XXII Konferencja Fotointerpretacji i Teledetekcji "Zdalne techniki badania środowiska – historia, współczesność, nowe trendy", 22-23 września 2016, Warszawa. PREZENTACJA
  • Hoscilo A., Ziolkowski D., Lewandowska A., Sterenczak K., 2016, The first forest biomass map over Poland derived from a synergy of optical and SAR data, 3rd EARSeL Workshop SIG on Forestry, 15-16 September, Krakow. POSTER
  • Hoscilo A., Lewandowska A., 2016, Application of remotely sensed data to the management of fire events in Poland, Living Planet Symposium, 9-13 May 2016, Prague. POSTER
  • Musial J.P., Bojanowski J.S., 2016, Cloud physical properties derivation from AVHRR imagery by means of the Vectorized Earth Observation Retrieval (VEOR) method trained against NWCSAF PPS and PATMOS-x data, International Cloud Working Group workshop, 17-20 May 2016, Lille. POSTER
  • Musial J.P., 2016, On application of Extended Probabilistic Cloud Mask algorithm to SPOT5 and Sentinel-2 data, Living Planet Symposium, 9-13 May 2016, Prague. POSTER
  • Musial J.P., Dabrowska - Zielinska K., 2016, Towards soil moisture retrieval based on radar and optical satellite imagery. First results of ESA EXPRO project on Sentinel-1 validation in Biebrza wetlands, Living Planet Symposium, 9-13 May 2016, Prague. POSTER
  • Orlowska K., Ochtyra A., Kycko M., Bochenek Z., Ziolkowski D., Zagajewski B., Application of hyperspectral methods in condition monitoring of North-Eastern Poland arborescent species, POLAR conference: Impact of climate change and pollution on vegetation distribution and condition in the temperate, boreal, alpine and polar zones, 26-27 October 2016, Warsaw. ABSTRAKT - PREZENTACJA
  • Orlowska K., Ochtyra A., Bochenek Z., Ziolkowski D., Zagajewski B., Kycko M., 2016, Phenological Changes In 2014-2015 Vegetative Periods Of UNESCO’s World Heritage Bialowieza National Park Tree Species, 36th EARSeL Symposium, 20-24 June 2016, Bonn. PREZENTACJA
  • Orlowska K., Ochtyra A., Bochenek Z., Ziolkowski D., Zagajewski B., Kycko M., 2016, Application Of Selected Vegetation Indices In Assessing Arborescent Species Condition In UNESCO’s World Heritage Bialowieza National Park, 36th EARSeL Symposium, 20-24 June 2016, Bonn. POSTER
  • Schmullius C., Thiel C., Pathe C., Matejka E., Quegan S., Carreiras J., Wegmuller U., Santoro M., Wiesmann A., Balzter H., Rodriguez - Veiga P., Tansey K., LeToan T., Mermoz S., Bouvet A., Dabrowska - Zielinska K., Hoscilo A., Ziolkowski D., Siegert F., Englhart S., Fransson H., Persson H., Herold M., Avitabile V., Häme T., Rauste Y., Shvidenko A., Schepaschenko D., Sterenczak K., Eriksson L., Ulander L., Steffen F., Reischstein M., Carvalhais N., Mathieu R., Seifert F., 2016, DUE GlobBiomass - Estimates of Biomass on a Global Scale, Living Planet Symposium, 9-13 May 2016, Prague. POSTER
  • Stereńczak K., Mroczek P., Mitelsztedt K., Zajączkowski G., Miścicki S., Zasada M., Jagodziński A., Socha J., Ochał W., Skorupski M., Strzeliński P., Karaszewski Z., Ziółkowski D., Hościło A., Przypaśniak J., Wiśniewska E., Projekt REMBIOFOR - prezentacja wstępnych założeń i celów, VIII Konferencja Geomatyka w Lasach Państwowych, 13-15 września 2016, Rogów. POSTER
  • Taff G., Murguzur F.J.A., Mølmann J., Jørgensen M., Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Golinski P., Czerwinski M., Budzynska M., Kamenova I., Assessing grass biomass using satellite imagery in Poland and Northern Norway, POLAR conference: Impact of climate change and pollution on vegetation distribution and condition in the temperate, boreal, alpine and polar zones, 26-27 October 2016, Warsaw. ABSTRAKT - PREZENTACJA
  • Wasniewski A., Hoscilo A., Mouketou-Tarazewicz D., 2016, Analysis of land cover change and deforestation in the province Ngounie (Gabon) during the period 2003-2013, 3rd EARSeL Workshop SIG on Forestry, 15-16 September, Krakow. POSTER
  • Waśniewski A., Hościło A., Mouketou-Tarazewicz D., 2016, Analiza zmian pokrycia terenu i tempa wylesiania w prowincji Ngounie (Gabon) w latach 2003-2013 na podstawie zdjęć satelitarnych Landsat, GIS w nauce, 8-10 czerwiec 2016, Warszawa. PREZENTACJA
  • Wietecha M., Zagajewski B., Orlowska K., Kycko M., Ochtyra A., Jarocinska A., Raczko E., Bochenek Z., Bartold M., Ziolkowski D., Klos A., Romanowska E., Field hyperspectral techniques for evaluating the phenological changes and biophysical condition of forest in the Karkonosze Mountains and the Beskid Zywiecki, POLAR conference: Impact of climate change and pollution on vegetation distribution and condition in the temperate, boreal, alpine and polar zones, 26-27 October 2016, Warsaw. ABSTRAKT - POSTER
  • Zagajewski B., Klos A., Bochenek Z., Raczko E., Ziembik Z., Ochtyra A., Tømmervik H., Bjerke J.W., Jarocinska A., Orlowska K., Ziolkowski D., Kycko M., Wietecha M., Assessment of hyperspectral vegetation indices for heavy metal contaminations of leaves in Karkonosze, POLAR conference: Impact of climate change and pollution on vegetation distribution and condition in the temperate, boreal, alpine and polar zones, 26-27 October 2016, Warsaw. ABSTRAKT - PREZENTACJA
  • Zagajewski B., Klos A., Bochenek Z., Raczko E., Wietecha M., Ochtyra A., Orlowska K., Jarocinska A., Bjerke J.W., Tømmervik H., Ziembik Z., Ziolkowski Z., Bartold M., 2016, Assessment of field hyperspectral remote sensing in heavy metal contamination analyses of forests in SW Poland, 36th EARSeL Symposium, 20-24 June 2016, Bonn. PREZENTACJA
  • Zagajewski B., Bochenek Z., Bjerke J.W., Klos A., Tømmervik H., Ochtyra A., Jarocinska A., Bartold M., Raczko E., Orlowska K., Ziolkowski D., Czos J., Wietecha M., 2016, Application of field hyperspectral remote sensing in a health forest monitoring of the UNESCO M&B Karkonosze Reserve South Poland, 2nd EARSeL SIG LU/LC and NASA LCLUC joint Workshop, 6-7 May 2016, Prague. POSTER
  • Żak Ł., Kryński J., Ziółkowski D., Cisak J., Łągiewska M., 2016, Korzyści wynikające ze wspólnego opracowania wyników pomiarów PSInSAR z wynikami uzyskanymi techniką GNSS, Seminarium Komitetu Geodezji PAN Współczesne problemy podstawowych osnów geodezyjnych w Polsce, 14-16 września 2016, Grybów. PREZENTACJA
  • Zak L., Krynski J., Ziolkowski D., Cisak J., Lagiewska M., 2016, Height changes of GNSS stations from the solutions of short vectors and PSI measurements, IAG Commission 4 Positioning and Applications Symposium, 4-7 September 2016, Wroclaw. PREZENTACJA
  • Ziolkowski D., Hoscilo A., Lewandowska A., Sterenczak K., 2016, The potential of multitemporal and polarimetric features derived from Sentinel-1 data for forest parameters retrieval, Proceedings of the 7th ForestSAT 2016 Symposium, 14 - 18 November 2016, Santiago, Chile.
  • Ziolkowski D., Bochenek Z., Bartold M., Zagajewski B., Studies of impact of changeable climatic conditions on forest development using remote sensing data from various acquisition levels, POLAR conference: Impact of climate change and pollution on vegetation distribution and condition in the temperate, boreal, alpine and polar zones, 26-27 October 2016, Warsaw. ABSTRAKT - PREZENTACJA
  • Ziolkowski D., Lagiewska M., Krynski J., Cisak J., Zak L., Kolodziejczyk M., Uchanski J., Falkowski P., Sadura K., Lukasik S., Godlewski T., 2016, Deformation studies in Warsaw using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry based on COSMO-SkyMed and ENVISAT data, Living Planet Symposium, 9-13 May 2016, Prague. POSTER